Incoming costs relate to the systems double step down methodology. The incoming distribution within each Central Report Item governs how incoming costs from other Central Report Items are treated. These costs come in as a single figure and need to be distributed to each of the functions within the Report Item.
For example, the Human Resources department relies on the Finance department to manage their payroll. Therefore there needs to be a method in which Finance’s cost of doing HR’s payroll is spread through HR’s functions. The incoming table is where you dictate how those costs are distributed.
Open the Incoming table in the workspace by expanding the Structure Item in the left hand Navigation Menu and clicking the View icon to the right of the Incoming menu item.
When you open the Incoming table there will already be a Default row. Generally, you will not need more than this one row. To complete the Default selection, fill out the following fields in the row:
Dist Type - In the default line you will need to designate in which way you would like to distribute your costs across the functions.
SAL - If Dist Type is set to SAL, it will spread the amount across the functions based on the distribution of the Salaries line in the Expenditures table.
PROP -The PROP distribution is used to proportionally distribute the incoming costs across the functions by entering the desired proportion into each Function Column.
EXP - If Dist Type is set to EXP, costs will be spread by the percentage of total Report Item expenditures associated with each function as determined by the distribution in your Expenditures table.
- Function Columns - There is one Function column for each Function of the Report Item. They are intended to enter the proportional amount that you would like to attribute to that particular Function for the incoming costs. For example, if there are 2 functions in a given department then you need to show the incoming costs to the 2 functions. In our example if the incoming costs should be distributed 50% to recruitment and 50% to labor relations then you would enter a “50” in the recruiting column and “50” in the labor relations column. The system will then spread that particular expenditure on the the respective ratio of values in each function.
If you would like to spread a particular Central Report Item’s function in a different way than you are spreading the default line, you can add another row by clicking on the “+” Icon.
- Report Item - For each row after the default row you will need to specify the Report Item for which you want to change the incoming distribution. If you have a Cost Plan Filter active then you will only see the Central Report Items in that Cost Plan. Select a Central Report Item.
- Special Function - Select the Function for which you would like to change the incoming distribution. Only Functions for the Central Report Item selected in the Report Item field will appear in the drop down.
For any additional rows after the Default row you must use the Distribution Type “PROP”, and therefore must specify the proportions you would like to use in the Function Columns.
Incoming Output
In the report print out the Incoming Cost spread is shown in the Service to Service Costs. It will spread the incoming costs based on what you have chosen in the Incoming Screen. Below you can see the spread from the incoming cost.
This is the X.4 schedule in a full cost plan and an X.5 Schedule in a 2 CFR part 200 Cost Allocation Plan.
The Distribution you select in this tab is translated and calculated and the output is populated by the system.