Each Agency's Organization structure is unique. The Organization structure you choose to use is strictly up to your Agency. It is typical to follow a similar layout to your budgeting process. The more detailed you can be in defining your Agency structure the better your allocation methodologies will be.
The Organizations only need to be entered once and will appear in every fiscal period. If there are changes to your Agency’s structure simply adjust the data in the Organizations table as needed.
Using the Navigation Menu, open the Organizations table in the workspace by clicking the View icon to the right of the Organizations menu item.
In order to create a new Organization, first click the “+” button and then fill out the fields in the table.
# - The row number in the table. This can be used to reorder the rows by typing into the cell the position in which you would like the row to appear.
Name - Name of the Organization.
Number - Organization number within the Agency.
- Short Name - The Short Name is for an abbreviation that you might use for your longer organization names. This name will replace the Name field in the Navigation Menu.
If you would like to quickly find the Organization that you are looking for you can use the Name and Number filters at the top of the column to filter the table. Simply enter the value you are looking for in the Name or Number columns and the filter will limit the rows to only the values that match the terms you have typed into the filter.